Welcome to The Tasteful Vegan

It is my hope to share wonderful, nutritious vegan recipes that anyone would love to eat! I am passionate about feeding my family healthy, tasty food and am committed to sharing my "best" with others. Non-vegan? You are welcome here too! Any of these recipes will enhance a more traditional diet. I believe some of the most intimate family moments can be had around the dinner table or in the kitchen so get in there and eat, cook, share, laugh and learn!

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grilled Asparagus and Take-out Pizza

Spring is here and that means an abundance of fresh vegetables for your table!

One of our favorites is asparagus. The beautiful, crisp, green stems are just begging to be used in everything from salads to stir fries.

Grilling is a wonderful way to keep those gems crisp while imparting a delicious smoky flavor. Prepping asparagus doesn't take more than a few minutes making it an ideal accompaniment to most any main dish.

Chop off the woody stems and then use a veggie peeler to thin out the remaining base. This ensures an incredibly tender stalk.

After a quick rinse in cold water, gently pat dry and place on a large platter. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with Himalyan Pink Sea Salt (any sea salt will do) and a few twists of the pepper mill.

Make sure the grill is hot. Add the asparagus and close the grill for a few minutes. Don't wander off as these can burn quickly. After the asparagus begins to show grill marks, remove from grill to a clean platter. Drizzle with an aged balsamic vinegar and serve.

The nutritional benefits of eating asparagus are numerous. Touted to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure to name a few, it is also full of vitamins. Make sure to grill a few extras for lunch the next day. They are delicious cold and can be enjoyed as is or chopped into a salad.

We all have to take a break from the kitchen from time to time. One of our favorite take-outs is pizza. I think this has been the hardest habit to tweak since becoming vegan.  Eating out can easily fit into a healthy lifestyle if you are willing to make a few changes. I try to keep a list of  local favorite places and the items I know I can eat without worry. This preparation can prevent the defeatest attitude of eating like I used to because I didn't plan. So, back to pizza. Any pizza place is usually willing to customize a mini pizza to your liking and make it without cheese. I have found the mushroom with tons of chopped garlic is my particular favorite. Served with my grilled asparagus, I am completely satisfied and I don't feel like I have thrown my healthly lifestyle out the window.  Our kids aren't vegan but they do tend to order veggie pizza more than pepperoni. By adding the grilled asparagus they are getting those extra nutrients and antioxidents which their little bodies need. Maybe one day they will ask to try my pizza, and I will know that the example I am trying to set has made an impact. 

Don't these look amazing?

They taste just as good as they look. I usually grill two batches of these goodies because even the kids are attacking the plate.

This would make great lunchbox food for the next day. Pack a slice or two and some asparagus for the next day. Include a cloth napkin and a thermos of hot tea and maybe a tangerine or apple. Watch your co-workers or fellow students drool over such a comforting lunch and noticed how energized you feel after taking such good care of yourself. Bon apetit!


  1. I wish my kid would attack asparagus!

  2. Oh and do you REALLY pack grace hot tea, with a cloth napkin and tangerine?? OMG...That is a super mom activity right there! I am lucky if I get a penut butter sandwich made in the morning!

  3. No Dana!!! I pack it for MY lunch!!! you are so funny!!
