Welcome to The Tasteful Vegan

It is my hope to share wonderful, nutritious vegan recipes that anyone would love to eat! I am passionate about feeding my family healthy, tasty food and am committed to sharing my "best" with others. Non-vegan? You are welcome here too! Any of these recipes will enhance a more traditional diet. I believe some of the most intimate family moments can be had around the dinner table or in the kitchen so get in there and eat, cook, share, laugh and learn!

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lavosh Vegetable Roll-Ups

I am so excited to share this recipe with you all! Most importantly because it is from the Engineer, my husband. (I am trying to keep names off of my blog :)) He has had a variation of this amazing lunch for the past three days and I guess his culinary inspiration motivated him to take beautiful photos to boot.  So it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the Lavosh Vegetable Roll-up.

Lavosh is a thin, pliable flatbread that lends itself to many different ingredients. It comes in a regular and whole wheat variety, either of which taste delicious.  It is fat free, cholesterol free, sugar free and low in carbohydrates. It does contain a small amount of protein too but it is important to include either hummus, beans or a grain to up the protein content and keep you healthy and strong.

I am grateful to have a family so fully supportive of eating healthy! While the Engineer is not a vegan, he does eat vegan/vegetarian on most days and for most meals. I am so happy to have a partner that takes health seriously and supports trying new things. With that said, I would never force a vegan diet on anyone. It is by example that I prefer to work some magic. And let me tell you it is rubbing off all over the place! Yay healthy bodies and minds!!!

Lavosh Vegetable Roll-ups

1 piece of lavosh flatbread
3 T hummus
1/2 cup chopped romaine lettuce
10 sliced cherry tomatoes
10 sliced kalamata olives
1 T of salad dressing of choice such as italian or balsamic

Additions based on availability:

whole garbanzo beans
diced red onion
sliced cucumber
sliced radish
sun-dried tomatoes
jicama sticks
(and shredded cheese for those non-vegans!)

Spread lavosh with hummus. Line ingredients up and roll. Slice in half. If you are super hungry, eat the whole thing. If not, eat half for lunch and half for your late afternoon snack.

Look at this fresh and vibrant wrap. It is loaded with healthy ingredients to keep your body moving and your brain on task.

Let's eat! Wrap these yuumies up and pack in the lunch box.

I am thinking of a Mexican version as well. Black beans pureed, cilantro, lettuce, olives, tomatoes, red onion, garlic and corn. Served with a side of tortilla chips and salsa. Photos to come soon!

Question of the day:
How is your healthy eating affecting family members and friends?


  1. This looks yummy - tell the Engineer that I am proud of him and plan to enjoy this for dinner!!

  2. Oh that looks so good. I have a falafel wrap from the pita pit w/ humus and veggies. Have you made falafel before?

  3. I love falafel! I have made it several times. The outcome hasn't been consistent though. The first time they were great the second time they were too dense. My father-in-law gave me a recipe and I need to try to perfect it before I post. Also, Aram's here in town makes such amazing falafel that it almost isn't worth making at home. I'll work on it though and see if I can't get a post about it soon.

  4. This looked so yummy, I ran out and bought some flatbread!
