Welcome to The Tasteful Vegan

It is my hope to share wonderful, nutritious vegan recipes that anyone would love to eat! I am passionate about feeding my family healthy, tasty food and am committed to sharing my "best" with others. Non-vegan? You are welcome here too! Any of these recipes will enhance a more traditional diet. I believe some of the most intimate family moments can be had around the dinner table or in the kitchen so get in there and eat, cook, share, laugh and learn!

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Green Beans with Shitake Mushrooms

Green beans with shitake mushrooms make a quick, tasty side dish.  As we approach summer, farmers markets pop up every week selling numerous varieties of beans. Take advantage of these markets and try some heirloom varieties. They are loaded with nutrients plus make for a pretty presentation. Food presentation is a huge deal to me which is why I add photographs for each recipe. A nice plate makes your mouth water before you have even taken that first bite.

Shitake mushrooms have been used medically in the East for ages. Wikipedia notes that shitake mushrooms  stimulate the immune system, contain a cholesterol lowering compound called eritadenine and possess antibacterial and anti-viral properties among others. I try to incorporate shitakes into my diet at least 2 times per week and especially if I am under the weather. They taste delicious and are easily incorporated into soups, veggies, pasta sauces and salads.

One of our kids always preps the beans by cutting the stems of either end. It is a great way to get those kids involved in the kitchen plus it helps them learn important knife skills. The more kids cook and prep, the more kids eat. That has been a fact in our house. The more involved the kids are in the kitchen, the more you as a parent can teach about healthy eating and good habits.  I want the boys to know just as much about cooking as our daughter. And guess what? Cleaning comes with the territory. Little boys love to be up to their elbows in bubbles loading a dishwasher. They will have a blast all the while learning the aspects of what it takes to put a meal on the table and clean it up.  Sorting silverware is another great task for kids. I try to piggyback any chopping or fun cooking job with a small cleaning job. That way they understand that the two go together.

Green Beans with Shitake Mushrooms

green beans, any variety and quantity, ends trimmed
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
shitake mushrooms, stems removed and sliced, do not rinse!

Saute mushrooms in a small amount of olive oil depending on quantity of mushrooms.  Add salt and pepper to taste. Put a pot of water on high heat. When it comes to a rolling boil add generous amount of salt and toss in beans. Cook just until crisp tender. Drain and add beans to mushrooms. Add a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper and toss to coat.  Slivered almonds would make a nice addition.

I think food looks so pretty served on a crisp white platter.

This beautiful plate was part of my lunch one day. I grabbed a handful of green beans and quickly cooked the mushrooms. It came together in minutes. Don't feel the pressure to cook large quantities. At the same time, don't choose to not cook because you are only cooking for yourself.

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